Neuromuscular dentistry is determining the correct jaw position through relaxation of the jaw muscles.
If your teeth close together in the wrong position your jaw muscles are under pressure to locate the correct position causing neuromuscular problems.
Symptoms of neuromuscular problems also known as TMJ symptoms include:
Headaches and Migraines
Sensitive and sore teeth
Facial pain
Neck and shoulder ache
Ringing in the ears
Jaw pain
Ear congestion
Clicking/ popping in the joints
Worn down teeth
Clenching/ bruxing
Limited opening of the mouth
Cervical/ neck problems
Loose teeth
Tingling in the fingertips
Forward head posturing
There are many reasons why your jaw may not be in its most balanced position, but with today’s technology and computerization we are able to positively measure and record the most relaxed position for your jaw to be in and your muscles to be at rest.
For the chronic sufferers of migraine pain who have had to endure headaches for years, wouldn’t it be a positive insight to realize the problem was caused by something as simple as your bite being out by a millimeter or two.
Thread Lifts Gold CoastNeuromuscular Dentistry has its detractors as does any field which challenges the old ways of thinking.
We welcome anyone who has already sought help from Physicians, Chiropractors, Osteopathic Physicians and alike, who are still looking for pain relief as we may be able to help.
By wearing a custom made appliance called a Neuromuscular orthotic, (which maintains your bite in the correct position,) neuromuscular dentists are usually able to determine if you can be helped within a relatively short period of time with your bite problems
Treatment you will receive
Phase #1 Therapy
Your Neuromuscular orthotic is not designed to make any permanent changes to your bite.
It is designed as a custom neuromuscular training device to allow your lower jaw to function in its optimum orthopedic position.
In order for it to make an impact, the orthotic must be worn 24 hours a day.
There are two types of orthotics that can be issued.
One is re-moveable for cleaning only
The other is a fixed orthotic which is attached to the top of your natural teeth and cannot be removed. Usually this is the best option as you have 100% compliance and your jaw is always in its Neuromuscular position. This option is best when you want to have restorations long-term which will eliminate the need to wear an orthotic.
Both options can be discussed further with your Neuromuscular dentist.
The goal of orthotic therapy is to see if we can find a comfortable, stable position for the lower jaw that relieves your TMJ symptoms.
Only after the bite is stabilized with the orthotic can we make any final decisions about whether changing the bite permanently would be beneficial for you, and what treatment would be required to make the necessary bite change.
After Orthotic Therapy
It is recommended that orthotic therapy and bite stabilization with the appliance should be worn for a minimum of 3 months until you are well again and then one of the following options should be implemented.
1. Wear the existing orthotic as a temporary solution to control symptoms.
Some people choose to continue to wear the orthotic appliance because it makes them feel better, but never have treatment to permanently change the bite because they are not in a financial position yet to do so.
This is fine, although there are several problems with this course of action. The orthotic does not really change anything permanently and really only works when it is worn all of the time.
Patients who try to wear the orthotic less frequently may have their symptoms return. Also, over time the orthotic will become worn or may be lost or broken and it will need to be remade occasionally to maintain the proper bite position.
Because the orthotic is a custom appliance and requires a great deal of time to create and adjust, there is a fee associated with any replacement of an orthotic appliance.
2. Neuromuscular orthodontics.
If the teeth are in good condition, the new bite position may be created by moving the teeth using orthodontics.
The orthotic is used throughout the orthodontic treatment to control the position of the jaw as the teeth are moved. Because this is different to the everyday type of orthodontic treatment, it is important that either your Australian Neuromuscular Dentist or an orthodontist who is trained and understands these Neuromuscular concepts be used to provide this treatment.
3 Neuromuscular dental rehabilitation
Your Neuromuscular problems may have been caused by failing dentistry due to previous restorations, decay, extractions, general wear or poor development during your youth.
It is possible to create a new bite by restoring your teeth using bonded porcelain restorations. All of the old restorations, bridges and amalgam fillings are removed and the new bite is created over the top of your natural teeth.
The number of teeth requiring restoration will depend on the condition of the teeth and the bite change required.
At this stage most Neuromuscular patients who wish to have their bite corrected using porcelain restorations take the opportunity to have a Smile Makeover and correct any other abnormalities they may have had and end up with a new beautiful white smile as an added bonus.
The best option for you will depend on your individual situation and your response to orthotic therapy.
Thread Lifts Gold Coast Neuromuscular dentist will discuss these options for your treatment and answer any questions you may have before beginning any type of treatment to permanently alter your bite.
To make an appointment
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