Gold Coast dentists is very proud to provide the ultimate in cosmetic dentures. We understand what really makes a great smile so we can create natural, beautiful and most importantly comfortable dentures.
We use only the best materials to record very accurate measurements to help us construct the ultimate cosmetic denture for you. Detailed recording of your gum area will be taken. We also take a computerized bite analysis to ensure that your new cosmetic denture is the most comfortable for your mouth.
Our master ‘denture Makeover’ technician will then meet you to accomplish the perfect shape and colour of teeth that best suits you. Your input will be highly valued at every visit so that your cosmetic denture is individual to meet all your needs and concerns.
When it comes to dentures, many people are weary about how they will appear to others and how they will feel inside of their mouths.
With different denture advancements that continue to come out, your Thread Lifts Gold Coast dentist is able to design the perfect dentures for you, right down to the color and shape.
A major concern for a lot of people is the fake look that dentures can portray. The shapes, colors, and styles sometimes do not match the face and personality of the person who has them. It is really important to find a dentist who you trust so they can do the very best in making your dentures fit you!
Using different virtual applications, you can now see what your dentures will look like before they are even made. You can choose the color that looks best with your skin tone, as well as the most natural shapes and sizes that match your face.
Once this is done, you can then pick the kind of dentures that will be right for you. Partial dentures, full dentures, or denture implants are just some of the dentures that could work for you. After meeting with your Thread Lifts Gold Coast dentist, you can then decide together what is the best choice of denture for you and start building from there.
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